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[달달형님][사랑시] 사랑이란거 별거없더라 There's nothing much about love.

by 달달형님 2020. 9. 21.

[속내를 얘기하는 느낌의 글][말하는 느낌의 편지][잔잔하게 마음을 전하는 글][진심을 담은 편지][마음을 담은 편지][마음을 전하는 글][사랑을 얘기하는 편지][진솔한 사랑 이야기][진실된 사랑의 편지]


사랑이란거 별거 없더라




우리 언제 만났지


오랫동안 꽤 잘 지내왔네

그런데 요즘은

우리 좀 티격태격했지

왜 그랬을까 생각해봤어

별 다른 거는 없더라

아마 서로 익숙해진 것밖에

처음부터 이상형도

그 환경도 달랐을뿐인데

서로 욕심때문이었나봐

이번만 좀 오래걸렸을뿐

좋아하는 건 변한거 없잖아

지금도 좋잖아 너무너무

잠깐의 충돌은 과정인 것 같아

사랑이 완성되어 가는 과정 말이야

처음에는 너와 나 달랐지만

지금은 마음만은 같잖아

이게 사랑이지

사랑이란 거 별거 없더라

서로를 향한 마음이 같아지는 게 사랑인거지





글은 만드는 것이 아니라,

생각날 때마다 생각이 나는대로,

마음가는대로 적는 것이다.

- by 달달형님






[Writing the inside][Writing the inside][Writing the heart quietly] [Writing the heart] [Writing the heart] [Writing the heart] [True love story] [True love letter] [True love letter] [True love letter] [True love letter] [True love letter] [True love letter]

There's nothing much about love.

When did we meet?
as I have thought of
You've been doing pretty well for a long time.
But these days,
We had a little bit of a quarrel.
I've been thinking about why.
Nothing special.
Maybe we're just used to each other.
Ideal diagram from the beginning
The environment was different.
Maybe it's because we're both of each other'sir.
Just this one, it took a while.
What you like hasn't changed.
It's good right now. It's very, very good.
I think a brief collision is a process.
The process of love being completed.
At first, you and I were different,
We're on the same page now.
This is love.
There's nothing much about love.
It's love to have the same feelings for each other.




It's not about writing.
Every time I think about it, I think about it.
It is to write as one pleases.
- By sweet brother







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